SQLGrader code is available for continued development and local build/customization.
Development Getting Started
Environment Prerequisites
- VS Code
- Docker (or comparable container runtime)
Get the Code
The entire project is stored in a single repository, including the Django web UI and the database interaction API. Git clone from https://github.com/robertdroptablestudents/sqlgrader and use the provided devcontainer definition for a pre-configured development environment.
VS Code tasks are setup, hit F5 to start the web UI server.
Build Locally
Option 1: VS Code Task
Pressing ⇧⌘B (shift+command/ctrl+B) in VS Code will open a preconfigured build task menu. Select “Build SQLGrader Container” to start the SQLGrader container build from your local code.
Option 2: Docker build command
From the root of the project directory on your workstation, run the docker build command from the terminal:
docker build -t sqlgrader .
An optional build arguement for BUILDID allows a custom build number to be injected into the environment during build. Add --build-arg BUILDID="specialbuildnumber"
to the docker build command to use:
docker build --build-arg BUILDID="specialbuildnumber" -t sqlgrader .
Run Locally Built Container
To run the sqlgrader container image you built from code, run the docker run command from the terminal:
docker run -p 80:80 --privileged -d sqlgrader
For more on the available options to customize the SQLGrader container, see options or the Dockerfile.
Reset Local Dev Environment
- Clear all app migrations
cd webui/instructor/migrations rm -r *
Delete database - remove db.sqlite3 from webui/sqlite folder
- Run initial migration and re-add super user
cd webui python manage.py migrate DJANGO_SUPERUSER_USERNAME=admin DJANGO_SUPERUSER_PASSWORD=abc123 DJANGO_SUPERUSER_EMAIL=robert@droptablestudents.com python manage.py createsuperuser --noinput python manage.py drf_create_token admin
- Run app migrations
python manage.py makemigrations instructor python manage.py migrate